Like it or not, money has taken center stage in human existence. We chase wealth instead of food like our forefathers did. Everyone usually dedicates their lives to obtaining wealth, influence, and respect. Who wouldn’t want a few extra bucks?
If everything else was equal, which would you prefer—having more or less money? When it comes to money, it makes sense to think that more is more.
This preference, in my opinion, is genderless. Once again, if everything else was equal, wouldn’t you rather date a wealthy woman than a struggling one? Beyond the monetary delights, money also provides mental tranquillity from the knowledge that the bottom is not going to fall out. being certain that you will be nourished. being aware that you won’t have to select which utilities to use at any particular moment. Stress like this damages your sense of humor, self-worth, and tranquillity. It’s one of the insidious ways that poverty works on us to keep us impoverished. In addition to causing melancholy and other mental and physical health problems, the psychological harm of having to strive, feeling inadequate, and being criticized for one’s worn-out state can also easily keep us from rising beyond our station and lifting the heavy burden of poverty.
I have been struggling to provide for my family and have had to decide between using the internet for professional purposes or turning on the heat for obvious reasons. I can say with considerable confidence that having more money makes you much more comfortable, having had both more and less.
Therefore, I would personally rather have more money. Take note that I did not imply that I preferred to date men with higher incomes. That’s a crucial distinction, and a lot of other women think the same way. Although they do exist, I have never personally met a woman who saw a man as a pocketbook. Putting selection bias aside (I like folks with integrity), these women are underrepresented, in my opinion.
In the past, women in our nation had no choice but to “marry well,” which meant financial prosperity, if they wanted to live comfortably. At worst, they risked being abandoned and forced to fend for themselves. Even if disparities and disadvantages still affect women, particularly women of color, that isn’t always the case anymore. It remains a reality in other nations.
But it shouldn’t take a lot of creativity to understand why individuals would rather live without financial hardship—by whatever means possible.
am benedict and am single guy so i wish can meet a rich single lady pls because am from poor home so am waiting to hung my future love,,,